Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

3 songs

3 lagu yg gue maksud adalah 3 lagu yg menurut gue bersejarah haha lebaaay mode : on :P
jadi 3 lagu ini gue suka krn someone yg pernah ngisi hari-hari gue selama 9 bln-an lbh mngkn hmpir setaunan lah dr wktu sblm jadian hehe

first, red jumpsuit apparatus - your guardian angel
lagu ini gue suka gara-gara waktu pas gue perpisahan dulu lbh tepatny pas plg dr perpisahan smp skitar setaun yg lalu bln juni jg, jadi gue lg smsn sm co yg lagi gue suka pd wktu itu trs dy nanya gini :
si co yg lg gue suka (scylgs) : lg ngapain ?
gue : msh di tol nih lg nyanyi gajelas brg tmn" dlm bus, kalo lo ?
scylgs : lg nyanyi-nyanyi gajelas jg nih sm temen-temen hehe gue : nyanyi apa ?
scylgs : nyanyi lagu guardian
angelny redjumpsuit nh.
gitulah kira-kira isi sms ny, smnjk itu gue jd suka sm ini lagu.

lyric guardian angel - red jumpsuit apparatus

when i see your smile
tears run down my face
i can’t replace

and now that I’m strong I have figured out
how this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
and I know I’ll find deep inside me, I can be the one

i will never let you fall
i’ll stand up with you forever
i’ll be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven

it’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok

seasons are changing and waves are crashing
and stars are falling all for us
days grow longer and nights grow shorter
i can show you i’ll be t
he one

i will never let you fall
i’ll stand up with you forever
i’ll be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven

cause you’re my
you’re my
my true love
my whole heart
please don’t throw that away

cause i’m here, for you
please don’t walk away and
please tell me you’ll stay, stay…

use me as you will
pull my strings just

for a thrill
and i know i’ll be okay
though my skies are turning gray

i will never let you fall i’ll stand up with you forever i’ll be there for you through it all even if saving you sends me to heaven i will never let you fall i’ll stand up with you forever i’ll be there for you through it all even if saving you sends me to heaven

second, warna-warni dunia - RAN
gue tau lagu ini dr sahabat gue naya, waktu UN 07/08 di smp gue smpn 99 temen gue naya blg gini ke gue :
naya : ta, lo kenal sm si dy dr fs kan ?
gue : iya, knp emg nay ?
naya : gpp ta soalny ada laguny ran yg cocok bgt buat lo b2 !
gue : hoo, judulny apaan ? lo punya ?

: punya lah, gue jg ada lyric ny kok gue : mana mana, bagi dooong !!
fyi, wktu itu ran lg booming bgt trs si naya ini cinta bgt sm ran especially rayi haha

lyric ran - warna warni dunia

we go by the name of R, A to the N

we're three norma
l guys tryin to make new friends by
making music that you guys understand
and if you guys like it, we appreciate it, then..

let's start the show, rock the boat, but don't stop because you can't stop the flow

go on dressed up, because the party's about to start on one, two, three, four!


indahnya warna warni dunia dunia yang terasa indah di dalam asaku

oh betapa indah hidup ini saat ku dimabuk asmara

ooo getar-getar cinta yang telah tumbuh diantara kita

menambah indahnya kisah cinta kita berdua


yeah, when i saw you on friendster

then i added you as my friend

girl, my mind was al
ways full of you
girl, waste no time because I wanna tell you it's true

that I love you and you love me
we're gonna make a happy family
i'm Rayi and that's it from me


don't run, because we about to have fun

pas gue udh tau lyric ny gue blg gini ke naya :
gue : nay tp kan blm tentu dy ny suka sm gue naya : yaelah tenang aja lagi ta dy pasti suka sm lo kok gue : yeee sok tau lo nay ! haha tapi AMIN deh, doain yaa nay hehe naya : iya pastilah ta tenang aja hehehe
trs pas gue udh jadian sm dy, gue nyuruh dy dengern lagu itu trs dy blg "iyaaa syg nnti aku cari laguny :)"

third, dari hati - club 80's
dy pernah blg sm gue wktu lg dengrn lagu ini tmn ny blg ke dy :
"udh tembak aja si calista kalo emg lo bnrn sk sm dy."
thanks ya buat tmn ny si dy hehehe

lyric lagu dari hati - club 80's :

andai eng
kau tahu bila menjadi aku sejuta rasa di hati

lama tlah ku pendam
tapi akan kucoba me

reff: ku ingin kau menjadi milikku
entah bagaimana caranya
lihatlah mataku untuk memintamu

ku ingin jalani bersamamu
coba dengan sepenuh hati
kuingin jujur apa adan
ya dari hati

kini yg kau tahu
aku menginginkanmu tapi takkan ku paksakan
dan ku pastikan
kau belahan hati bila milikku

repeat reff

menarilah bersamaku dengan bintang-bintang sambutlah diriku untuk memeluk

gue jadi sering bgt dengerin ni lagu smnjk dy blg gitu ke gue
tapi skrg gue udh mulai jrg dengern ke 3 lagu itu gara-gara takut bgt ke inget dy lagi. males jg sih ngingetny HAHA !

all memories about you i will never forget ;)

big hug


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